Essential digital tools for nurses in everyday practice

Apr 4, 2023

In today’s world, digital technology has become an integral part of healthcare, and nurses are no exception. Digital tools offer nurses the potential to be more accessible, efficient, and effective in their jobs by helping them provide patient-centric care, improve patient outcomes, and communicate more efficiently with other healthcare professionals. Although these tools may require initial investment and training, they ultimately save time while improving the quality of care provided. It is now more important than ever that nurses embrace these essential digital tools in their everyday practice.

The role of technology in nursing practice

Technology has a profound effect on healthcare, with nurses as primary caregivers becoming reliant on technology to manage patient care, document patient data, and communicate with other healthcare providers. In nursing practice, technology has become an indispensable asset that has improved patient outcomes, improved quality of care, and streamlined healthcare delivery. This article will explore the significance of technology within the nursing practice and highlight its advantages.

Patient care management

Technology has had a major impact on patient care management. Nurses use a range of technological devices, such as electronic health records (EHRs), patient monitoring systems, and medication dispensing machines, to oversee patient care. EHRs give nurses instant access to patient information, such as medical history, allergies, and diagnoses at any time – thus improving patient safety. Monitoring systems such as cardiac monitors enable nurses to keep an eye on vital signs, detect abnormalities, and provide timely interventions. Medication dispensing machines have made it simpler for nurses to dispense medication accurately, which reduces medication errors and enhances patient safety further.


Documenting patient care is an integral part of nursing practice, and technology has revolutionized how nurses achieve this. Electronic documentation systems allow nurses to document patient care in real time, decreasing the risk of errors and improving the accuracy of patient data. Furthermore, electronic documentation makes patient data retrieval a breeze, so it is simpler for nurses to monitor patient progress and track outcomes.

Communication and collaboration are essential

Effective communication and collaboration are essential skills in nursing practice, and technology has made it easier for nurses to stay connected with other healthcare providers. Electronic communication tools such as secure messaging systems allow nurses to send messages quickly, eliminating the need for phone calls and streamlining workflow. Telehealth technology also enables nurses to interact with patients remotely, eliminating in-person visits and increasing access to quality care.

Education and training

Technology has revolutionized nursing education and training. Nursing students now have access to simulation labs that mimic real-life patient scenarios, giving them a chance to hone critical thinking and decision-making skills without risking actual patients. Furthermore, online learning platforms and webinars make it easier for nurses to stay abreast of current nursing practices and procedures through continuing education credits. An online MSN FNP program, for instance, can equip nurses with the necessary abilities such as understanding EHRs, telehealth platforms, secure messaging apps, and virtual simulation software. Effective communication, information management, and data analysis are essential aspects of nursing practice; proficiency with digital tools will allow nurses to improve patient outcomes.

Overall, nursing skills and technology have become inextricably linked, with technology playing an integral role in patient care management, communication, collaboration, documentation, education, and training, just to name a few. To stay abreast of technological advancements in healthcare, nurses must continuously update their skillsets and knowledge on new developments while still maintaining human interaction, as technology should only serve to augment nursing care while improving patient experiences.

Overview of digital tools used by nurses

Nurses, in particular, rely on digital tools to manage patient data, communicate effectively and enhance the quality of care they offer. Here are five primary digital tools used by nurses.

  1. Electronic health records (EHRs)

EHRs are digital versions of patient medical records that give nurses real-time patient data access. EHRs are secured and only accessible to authorized healthcare professionals, enabling them to view a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medication lists, allergies, and other essential details. This digital tool simplifies communication between healthcare providers and helps nurses make informed patient care decisions.

  1. Mobile applications

Mobile applications are an increasingly popular digital tool used by nurses to enhance patient care. Mobile applications provide access to up-to-date information, enabling nurses to monitor patients remotely, including vital signs, and receive alerts for critical changes in a patient’s condition. In addition, these applications can offer patient education materials, medication reminders, and communication tools, which increase engagement with the system.

  1. Telehealth

Telehealth is a digital tool that enables nurses to provide patient care remotely. Utilizing video conferencing, messaging, and other digital technologies, nurses can connect with patients who are unable to physically visit the healthcare facility. This digital solution may be especially beneficial for those living in rural or remote areas without access to healthcare facilities as well as those who are too ill or vulnerable to leave their homes.

  1. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS)

CDSS are digital tools that offer nurses evidence-based information to facilitate clinical decision-making. These CDSS use algorithms and other data analytics techniques to analyze patient data and provide recommendations for diagnosis, treatment, and other interventions. By giving nurses this data, CDSS can improve accuracy and effectiveness in making clinical decisions while decreasing errors.

  1. Electronic medication administration records (eMARs)

eMARs are digital tools designed to assist nurses in managing medication administration by:

  • Providing a digital medication administration record
  • Tracking times of dosage administration
  • Recording other essential information
  • Giving access to electronic medication administration records

Additionally, eMARs can alert nurses to medication errors, drug interactions, and other potential issues, thus improving patient safety.

The challenges of implementing digital tools in nursing practice

Nurses face a number of obstacles when adopting digital technologies, such as worries about privacy and security, lack of training or technical support, and resistance to change. This section will examine these difficulties and suggest potential solutions.

  • Privacy and security

One of the major obstacles when using digital tools in nursing practice is patient privacy and security. Nurses have a responsibility to safeguard patient information, so it is understandable that they would be wary about sharing patient data through digital channels. To address these worries, healthcare organizations must invest in robust cybersecurity measures and train all staff members on data protection best practices. Furthermore, nurses need to be educated on why and how important protecting patient privacy is and provide clear instructions on how to do so effectively.

  • Training and technical support

Another obstacle to implementing digital tools in nursing practice is the lack of training and technical support available. Many nurses feel overwhelmed by the abundance of new technologies and may require more skills or knowledge to use them effectively, leading to frustration and reluctance to adopt them. To address this problem, healthcare organizations should offer ongoing education programs for nurses as well as regular workshops or one-on-one coaching sessions. Nurses should have opportunities to provide feedback about the tools they are using, and healthcare organizations should be responsive to their suggestions for improvement.

  • Resistance to change

Resistance to change can be another noteworthy obstacle. Nurses may be quite set in their ways and resist adopting new technologies. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as an inadequate understanding of the potential advantages of new technology, fear of job loss, or simply a preference for what is familiar. To address this problem, healthcare organizations should include their nursing staff in decision-making when selecting new technologies. Nurses can offer input on features they would like to see in these tools and be educated on the advantages of using cutting-edge equipment. Furthermore, healthcare organizations should recognize and reward nurses who adopt new technologies early; doing so helps foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the organization.

  • Interoperability

Finally, interoperability between different digital tools is a significant challenge when implementing them in nursing practice. Many healthcare organizations utilize multiple systems, such as electronic health records, medication management systems, and telehealth platforms, for this purpose. However, these tools often need to communicate with one another, leading to inefficiencies and an increased risk of error. To address this problem, healthcare organizations should prioritize integrating various digital tools. Healthcare organizations could benefit by investing in middleware solutions that enable different tools to communicate with each other or by creating custom integrations between various programs. Furthermore, healthcare organizations should collaborate with vendors to guarantee new tools are designed with interoperability in mind.


The use of technology has revolutionized healthcare, providing nurses with innovative tools to enhance patient care, safety, and communication. These tools, including electronic health records, telehealth platforms, and mobile apps, help nurses provide efficient and effective care to their patients. These tools also allow nurses to collaborate with other healthcare professionals and access important patient information quickly and easily. As technology continues to advance, it is essential for nurses to stay up-to-date with these tools to ensure the best possible patient outcomes.